Culture Awareness

Culture Awareness ........

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Black History Dream

My Dream
By Sabriaya Shipley

So last night I had a dream
Not like the one that Martin Luther King had
I had one of the craziest dreams!
I walked out my front door and it was as if there was never any
Rosa Parks
I had to sit in the back of the bus!
There was no Martin Luther King Jr.
It never dawned on me about the future
Can you just imagine it?
No Jackie Robinson
No Good times, Jefferson’s, cosby’s or 227
I am not even kidding
This dream was freaky!
There were signs everywhere saying colored people this and colored people that
And when I turned on the TV there was absolutely no one who looked like me
Towards the end of this dream I started to scream “where is my soul, my gospel, and my R&B music???
Seriously, no Kanye West and Jay Z. BeyoncĂ©’s Love was not on top. And Whitney would “never love us”
I mean it was sad! Instead of going to IND I was at a school ten miles down the road.
 Walking that way I saw my friends Nancy, Megan Kram, Sarah Stefanski, and Megan Urbanski and as a matter of a fact they didn’t talk to me nor Bria and Symira
This wasn’t a dream it was a nightmare! A symbolization of what becomes reality every time we just take this ONE month to think about black history.

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